Friday, February 5, 2016

New Beginnings

           After celebrating another birthday this past Wednesday, (26th if you were wondering) something dawned on me. Most of us decided on January 1st that we will begin new things. New exercise programs, new weight loss diets, new devotions; a new us. But really, if one thinks about it, our new year starts on our birthdays. That is actually the new year for you and me on a more personal level. Therefore, I decided that on my birthday would be the start for a new me - a better wife, more loving mother, healthier woman and most importantly, a deeper follower of Christ.

           Needless to say, I am in a new phase in my life. We have recently completed moving to a new area and new church. Sam and I have also made the decision with me to stay at home with the girls full-time - I am now a stay-at-home mom. Yes, yes. A stay-at-home mom. I never thought that Lauren Bridges and stay-at-home mom would even be in the same sentence together and would equate the same person. I am ashamed to say that 10, 5 and even 2 years ago I made the comments to my husband, "Why would a woman stay at home. We have the ability to work just like men and should never rely on our husbands salary alone to support a household." God has a way to show us our words and a pretty great sense of humor. So, despite the fact that I have my RN, and worked extremely had to obtain that, I am at home with my sweet 3 month old and 21 month old. Most days I love it, and other days, I can't wait for them to be over and start again. However, as a momma, I am finding that I need much self discipline if I don't want the day to slip away from me. My desire is to "grab the bull by the horns" and "seize the day."

          This week, I have made the following decisions to help me seize my day and make time work in my favor. As sleeping in seemed oh so nice, I find that waking up at 6 AM is a much better use of my day rather than waking at 8. It is in the early morning hours that I can have "me time" and most mommas know that this is a rare thing that is hardly ever found. When you become a mother, there is no longer me time. Heck, there is no longer husband and wife time. So, if you haven't become a parent yet, word to the wise, no more time to watch TV by yourself, sleep, eat, take a shower and even go to the bathroom without little hands, loud mouths and sweet little ones being there. Constantly. Just be prepared. But, it's not a bad thing either. I love those sweet moments (minus the bathroom one). Therefore, the only way to have time to yourself is to find it when they are sleeping. This is a glorious state that they are rendered unconscious and you can find "me time" once again. So, at 6 AM I can wake up, eat breakfast, have a devotional and work out all before little eyes even think about popping open. I can also apparently write this blog.

           To ensure my discipline keeps up, I have given myself challenges which are not easy to back away from. Currently, I have taken the 30 day "Butt Lift Challenge" and I am also practicing some yoga. Maybe the "Butt Lift Challenge" is a little too much info, but hey, as a new momma of two under 2, I may be 26, but I don't have a 26 year old body. This is even the conversation via text between the hubby and I this morning:
Sam sends me a picture of us 4 years ago and says "Look at my hot wife." 
Me: Wow that was 4 years ago? 
Sam: Yep 
Me: Time flies when you're having fun.  
Sam: Oh yea 
Me: What happened to that hot wife? I think she's MIA 
Sam: 2 kids. They ravished her body in ways I can't understand.  
Me: It's okay. I'm trying to find her in this beat up body. I'm pretty sure she's in here somewhere.  
(Just for clarification, Sam and I are lovingly joking. Or, at least he is.)
And the yoga that I mentioned, that is for fitness and a peaceful frame of mind along with devotions in the morning because without the Holy Spirit, I can't be the better wife or loving mother that I mentioned in the beginning of this post. I would just be Lauren failing at the attempt of either one of those. Because of Jesus, I have hope that I can be the woman portrayed in Proverbs 31. Yes, the infamous Proverbs 31 woman. I know, I know. We as women are tired of hearing about "her."As a mother and wife, I used to be afraid of "her" knowing that I could never obtain this status of this amazing mother and wife Solomon describes here. However, as a follower of Jesus, I recognize that grace is given daily and the Holy Spirit that gave Solomon the wisdom to write these words is the same Holy Spirit living in me and through Him and by Him I, too, can become "her." I will continue to post about how we as women can be like this Proverbs 31 woman and it won't be about how you are currently doing life wrong and failing, but encouraging you to understand who this woman was and how we can be like her knowing that His grace is sufficient on days that we aren't and His grace is new every morning for another try.

            The Proverbs 31 woman is actually who inspires me to be better - healthier, more in control of finances, more loving, patient, passionate, a teacher and a follower. I have made a schedule for myself for the day which is posted along with the new homeschool routine I am doing with "G." Although she is not quite 2, she is very smart and I long to push her to be better as well. My plan is to show you my own trials and errors of homeschooling a 2 year old along with the resources used.

            I am excited to be in this season of a "new me" and to share it with those willing to follow. Love is unfolding before your very eyes in an imperfect manner, but a passionate manner. Come journey along beside me and see what is in store because with Jesus, all things are possible.


The schedule I promised:

Links to my current Challenges:

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