When reading through the New Living Translation, which has become my new favorite translation of the bible, the title of this particular section describing the Proverbs 31 woman is Wife of Noble Character. When we look up "nobel character" in the dictionary, it is an adjective that means distinguished, of admirably high quality, notably superior, excellent, of exalted moral or mental character. Sometimes noble is also referred to those distinguished by birth because they are aristocratic. Therefore, to begin looking on how we as wives and mothers should uphold ourselves, here is a "how-to" guide.
In the first few verses, the bible states the following:
[b]A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
It is already pointed out that nobility is hard to find. A woman that has exalted moral, mental character and that is distinguished in this way is difficult to find. Think about it. However, I wouldn't say that it is because we are not capable to be that woman. I believe that our culture has helped us to believe that in order to be "distinguished" we as woman must be sexualized. In order for us to be noticed whether it is by another man or even in the career world, we have to be beautiful and look a certain way, wearing what makes us "sexy." Alright ladies. Hang in there with me. I want you to put down your "I got to where I am today because I am smart, intelligent, kind, etc." I really was in that thought process until some important men in my life pointed this out to me. How many "successful" women do you see in society that aren't deemed "pretty" by society? I would argue not that many. Unfortunately, we as women are determined what our status will be by how we are perceived by appearance by those around us. But, God is putting it out there in the beginning. Noble character is what is more precious. Our beauty is fleeting, but character is ever lasting. When we are noble, our husbands can trust us. And in my personal dealings in life, trust is invaluable. To truly trust someone with who you truly are, aka character, is very difficult. But here, Solomon points out that if we are noble, we are trustworthy. We are priceless. And because of that, we bless those around us. Don't believe me? Read those words above. If you make up your mind to be noble - following after Jesus and allowing His Holy Spirit to live in you (which is the ONLY way to be noble), then were are precious like rubies. Rare. Beautiful. Good. Lovely.
So, how do you become noble? Follow Jesus. Spend time in His word and in His presence and let the Holy Spirit flow in you and through you. Believe the words above that you are priceless and beautiful because of your character, not because of what you look like. And don't listen to the enemy. Don't let him steal your joy which is your true beauty. Meditate on this today. Tomorrow we will look at more of this Proverbs 31 woman and see how we are "her."
Praying and Believing for more,
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